Scumbag Obama

order hit on osma news over takes the apprentice

order hit on osma news over takes the apprentice  Scumbag Obama

Nation falling apart Brings the world with it

Nation falling apart Brings the world with it   Scumbag Obama

you thought i was actually going to bring change? nigga please

you thought i was actually going to bring change? nigga please  Scumbag Obama

against placing armed guards at schools has armed guards protecting his kids at school

against placing armed guards at schools has armed guards protecting his kids at school  Scumbag Obama

If I can't Do it homey it can't be done

If I can't Do it homey it can't be done  Scumbag Obama

Says if you have a business you didn't build that, someone else did that for you Doesn't fuck Ron Paul in the ass like a nigger

Says if you have a business you didn't build that, someone else did that for you Doesn't fuck Ron Paul in the ass like a nigger  Scumbag Obama

President Nigger Rich

President Nigger Rich    Scumbag Obama

Swears to uphold the constitution Passes SOPA and NDAA

Swears to uphold the constitution  Passes SOPA and NDAA  Scumbag Obama

silly americans, guns aren't for you! They're for my staff and the mexican drug lords we hand them too.

silly americans, guns aren't for you! They're for my staff and the mexican drug lords we hand them too.  Scumbag Obama

In his campaign said "our business is the people's business" Really meant "the people's business is OUR business"

In his campaign said
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