Scumbag NBC

Three hours from olympic location Has to wait three hours to watch

Three hours from olympic location Has to wait three hours to watch  Scumbag NBC

oh jordyn wieber didn't qualify for the all around? lets remind everyone whenever she's onscreen

oh jordyn wieber didn't qualify for the all around? lets remind everyone whenever she's onscreen  Scumbag NBC

Interviews breathless swimmers immediately after race Doesn't air for 5 hours

Interviews breathless swimmers immediately after race Doesn't air for 5 hours  Scumbag NBC

Nothing But Cunts

 Nothing But Cunts  Scumbag NBC

wants to help poverty Makes people pay to watch

wants to help poverty Makes people pay to watch  Scumbag NBC

Buys rights to air olympics in America makes you wait all day to watch the results

Buys rights to air olympics in America makes you wait all day to watch the results  Scumbag NBC

complains about the lack of a Munich memorial doesn't air 7/7 terror victims' memorial

complains about the lack of a Munich memorial doesn't air 7/7 terror victims' memorial  Scumbag NBC

gets constant shit for catering too much to its american audience displays the speed of volleyball serves in km/h

gets constant shit for catering too much to its american audience displays the speed of volleyball serves in km/h  Scumbag NBC

crying cause your dreams are shattered? Hold still while we get a close up

crying cause your dreams are shattered? Hold still while we get a close up  Scumbag NBC


3 Downs COMMERCIAL  Scumbag NBC
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