Scumbag NBC

"we will bring you now to Cardiff" leaves me in my living room

If its not America We don't give a fuck!

If its not America  We don't give a fuck!  Scumbag NBC

Expects fans to follow beloved show to friday replaces beloved showrunner

Expects fans to follow beloved show to friday replaces beloved showrunner  Scumbag NBC

Allows Community back on the air During the first round of NCAA tournament

Allows Community back on the air During the first round of NCAA tournament  Scumbag NBC

Bruins are dominating the game? Let's talk about how good the Penguins are playing!

Bruins are dominating the game? Let's talk about how good the Penguins are playing!  Scumbag NBC

wants to interview jordan weiber gives her a commercial break to stop crying

wants to interview jordan weiber gives her a commercial break to stop crying  Scumbag NBC

World sees tribute to '05 British Bombing Victims US sees Seacrest

World sees tribute to '05 British Bombing Victims US sees Seacrest  Scumbag NBC

Broadcasts Beach Olympic Volley Ball Match. Commentators utilizes baseball terminologies to convey volleyball concepts. Meanings lost in translation.

Broadcasts Beach Olympic Volley Ball  Match. Commentators utilizes baseball terminologies to convey volleyball concepts. Meanings lost in translation.  Scumbag NBC

spends $1.1 Bn to ruin olympics for america

spends $1.1 Bn to ruin olympics for america  Scumbag NBC

Nathan Adrian wins by .01s Let's talk about Michael Phelps' .01s win, 4 years ago

Nathan Adrian wins by .01s Let's talk about Michael Phelps' .01s win, 4 years ago  Scumbag NBC
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