Scumbag Metal Guitarist

My favorite guitarist? Yngwie Malmsteen

My favorite guitarist? Yngwie Malmsteen  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

Buys a Marshall stack Will never get it past 2

Buys a Marshall stack Will never get it past 2  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

One amp setting every song Insane

One amp setting every song Insane  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

Claims to play neo-classical Can't read sheet music

Claims to play neo-classical Can't read sheet music  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

Adopts hardcore deathmetal nickname Nick "zombiehunter"

Adopts hardcore deathmetal nickname Nick

Wanna hear a song? Enter Sandman

Wanna hear a song? Enter Sandman  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

Tunes your guitar to drop d Doesn't tune it back

Tunes your guitar to drop d Doesn't tune it back  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

crowd wants to hear a ballad 'Meat Hook Sodomy' by Cannibal Corpse

crowd wants to hear a ballad 'Meat Hook Sodomy' by Cannibal Corpse   Scumbag Metal Guitarist

Joins a band eight minute minor pentatonic solos

Joins a band eight minute minor pentatonic solos  Scumbag Metal Guitarist

"Once more with feeling" dies

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