Scumbag Link

Enters Koholint Island General Store Steals shovel when store owner isn't looking

Enters Koholint Island General Store Steals shovel when store owner isn't looking  Scumbag Link

doesn't knock before entering smashes all your pots

doesn't knock before entering smashes all your pots  Scumbag Link

Saves Deku Princess Stuffs her in a bottle

Saves Deku Princess Stuffs her in a bottle  Scumbag Link

saves the gorons from genocide steals their legendary hammer

saves the gorons from genocide steals their legendary hammer   Scumbag Link

no wonder i cant talk this tunic is to d**** tight

no wonder i cant talk this tunic is to d**** tight  Scumbag Link


im a hunter now LETS GO KILL CUCKOOS NOW HEHEHE!!!  Scumbag Link

uses iron boots to cheat at sumo

uses iron boots to cheat at sumo  Scumbag Link

Takes picture of Lulu grieving her lost children Sells photo to stalker for 5 rupees

Takes picture of Lulu grieving her lost children Sells photo to stalker for 5 rupees  Scumbag Link

Is the only hope for Hyrule Killed by chickens

Is the only hope for Hyrule Killed by chickens  Scumbag Link

Destroys moon to prevent a town's destruction Whole world ends because it has no moon

Destroys moon to prevent a town's destruction  Whole world ends because it has no moon 
  Scumbag Link
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