Scumbag Guitarist

knows eruption tapping solo Greatest shredder ever

knows eruption tapping solo Greatest shredder ever  Scumbag Guitarist

Man Bass is easy Arms too scrawny for the mighty instrument

Man Bass is easy Arms too scrawny for the mighty instrument  Scumbag Guitarist

Buys $5000 Gibson Plays Lady gaga

Buys $5000 Gibson Plays Lady gaga  Scumbag Guitarist

learns it in one key learned it in all keys

learns it in one key learned it in all keys  Scumbag Guitarist

Mids on 0 Gain on 10

Mids on 0 Gain on 10  Scumbag Guitarist

C Major-A minor-F Major-G Major Holy shit, let's start a band.

C Major-A minor-F Major-G Major Holy shit, let's start a band.  Scumbag Guitarist

Bandmates play @ volume 5 I play @ volume 7

Bandmates play @ volume 5 I play @ volume 7  Scumbag Guitarist

Post-rock solo C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C#

Post-rock solo C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C# C#   Scumbag Guitarist

Knows Pentatonic Scale I Am master of guitar

Knows Pentatonic Scale I Am master of guitar  Scumbag Guitarist

Chords? I only play pppppower chords

Chords? I only play pppppower chords  Scumbag Guitarist
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