Scumbag Genetics

Oh every other many in your family is well over 6 feet tall? Best I can do for you is 5'8''

Oh every other many in your family is well over 6 feet tall? Best I can do for you is 5'8''  Scumbag Genetics

Nipples R cool! Have an extra one!

Nipples R cool! Have an extra one!  Scumbag Genetics

dirty neck beard and sideburns, peach fuzz everywhere else on face forest of hair on chest, back, and ass

dirty neck beard and sideburns, peach fuzz everywhere else on face forest of hair on chest, back, and ass  Scumbag Genetics

Makes you attractive But gives you no confidence

Makes you attractive But gives you no confidence  Scumbag Genetics

creates adrenaline to help you outrun lions now it's used for preparing for finals Caption 3 goes here

creates adrenaline to help you outrun lions now it's used for preparing for finals Caption 3 goes here  Scumbag Genetics

hey bro, i think you need some hair on your ass takes it off your head

hey bro, i think you need some hair on your ass takes it off your head  Scumbag Genetics

Small dick? How bout some ED

Small dick? How bout some ED  Scumbag Genetics

MAn you're such a good rapper too bad you're white!

MAn you're such a good rapper too bad you're white!  Scumbag Genetics

Good looking, intelligent and... not fat? WEll, better give you manboobs anyway

Good looking, intelligent
and... not fat? WEll, better give you
manboobs anyway  Scumbag Genetics

Want a depper voice ? First you need to talk like a duck for half a year.

Want a depper voice ?
 First you need to talk like a duck for half a year.  Scumbag Genetics
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