Scumbag Cop

Beat a man to death PAID TIME OFF Killer

Beat a man to death PAID TIME OFF Killer     Scumbag Cop

Gets a call for public disturbance joins the disturbance

Gets a call for public disturbance joins the disturbance  Scumbag Cop

On your own private property? Let me come in without a warrant douchebag

On your own private property? Let me come in without a warrant douchebag  Scumbag Cop

Pulls you over for texting while driving always on his mounted laptop

Pulls you over for texting while driving always on his mounted laptop  Scumbag Cop

I'm glad the government is spying on us. Only criminals care about privacy. Anyone who cares is hiding something.

I'm glad the government is spying on us. Only criminals care about privacy. Anyone who cares is hiding something.  Scumbag Cop

Got Skittles? You deserve to get shot douchebag

Got Skittles? You deserve to get shot douchebag  Scumbag Cop

Gangs driving dirtbikes and quads through the city Arrests college students bringing beer into their own houses.

Gangs driving dirtbikes and quads through the city Arrests college students bringing beer into their own houses.  Scumbag Cop

Pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign calls in 3 cop cars for backup

Pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign calls in 3 cop cars for backup  Scumbag Cop

Pulls you over for texting and driving Has a computer in his car

Pulls you over for texting and driving Has a computer in his car  Scumbag Cop

and then he said we're here to rescue him

and then he said we're here to rescue him   Scumbag Cop
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