Scumbag Congress

LoL no work does work here LOL

LoL no work does work here LOL  Scumbag Congress

Unprecedented gridlock the cripples nation Pizza is a Vegetable

Unprecedented gridlock the cripples nation Pizza is a Vegetable  Scumbag Congress

The government is taking aWAY ALL OF YOUR CIVIL LIBERTIES. However, you still have the right to decide which cab you take home. Choose Ecocab.

The government is taking aWAY ALL OF YOUR CIVIL LIBERTIES.  However, you still have the right to decide which cab you take home. Choose Ecocab.  Scumbag Congress

Bought a bunch of health insurance company stocks only days before the public option was killed

Bought a bunch of health insurance company stocks only days before the public option was killed  Scumbag Congress

trying thier best haters gonna hate

trying thier best haters gonna hate  Scumbag Congress

1812 Overture? I never want to hear that music again

1812 Overture? I never want to hear that music again  Scumbag Congress

Kids don't eat vegetables makes pizza a vegetable

Kids don't eat vegetables makes pizza a vegetable   Scumbag Congress

Sees the economy is crashing tries to censor the internet

Sees the economy is crashing tries to censor the internet  Scumbag Congress

must balance budget decides to cut taxes for CEOS sending jobs overseas

must balance budget decides to cut taxes for CEOS sending jobs overseas  Scumbag Congress

Makes More $$$ From Corporations than from their governement salaries salves to the 1%

Makes More $$$ From Corporations than from their governement salaries salves to the 1%  Scumbag Congress
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