Scumbag Congress

Land of the free & home of the brave 99% of people to cowardly to call president a liar, thief, and murderer

Land of the free & home of the brave 99% of people to cowardly to call president a liar, thief, and murderer  Scumbag Congress

PEOPLE NEED JOBS Focuses on copyright infringement laws and oil pipelines

PEOPLE NEED JOBS Focuses on copyright infringement laws and oil pipelines  Scumbag Congress

10% approval rating incumbents desperate to run again and 'fix' congress

10% approval rating incumbents desperate to run again and 'fix' congress  Scumbag Congress

Out of money? Raise the debt ceiling

Out of money? Raise the debt ceiling  Scumbag Congress

Not a single fuck was given that day

Not a single fuck was given that day  Scumbag Congress

Gets elected to represent the people Tries to pass a bill giving the military authority to imprison people without trial

Gets elected to represent the people Tries to pass a bill giving the military authority to imprison people without trial  Scumbag Congress

Opposes terrorism makes laws that put fear into americans

Opposes terrorism makes laws that put fear into americans  Scumbag Congress

Welfare recipients - cant manage their own lives Deserve the right to manage the country through democracy

Welfare recipients - cant manage their own lives Deserve the right to manage the country through democracy  Scumbag Congress

Get elected to save the economy tries to ban abortion

Get elected to save the economy tries to ban abortion  Scumbag Congress

Asked brendo who should be president doesn't really care at all

Asked brendo who should be president doesn't really care at all  Scumbag Congress
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