Scumbag Congress

Country hates us? better make it a battleground

Country hates us? better make it a battleground  Scumbag Congress

sets up super committee to solve deficit crisis takes one day out of a short congressional year to make a resolution to remind the president that the U.S. motto is E Plurbis Unum

sets up super committee to solve deficit crisis takes one day out of a short congressional year to make a resolution to remind the president that the U.S. motto is E Plurbis Unum  Scumbag Congress

Gives worthless Bureaucrats a free holiday Can't pass a budget

Gives worthless Bureaucrats a free holiday Can't pass a budget  Scumbag Congress

Get Rid of these lazy fucking assholes

Get Rid of  these lazy fucking assholes  Scumbag Congress

Opposes deficit spending so that future generations won't be saddled with debt Willing to allow federal student loan interest rates to double

Opposes deficit spending so that future generations won't be saddled with debt Willing to allow federal student loan interest rates to double  Scumbag Congress

Can't pass SOPA? Let's change the name to CISPA and try again

Can't pass SOPA? Let's change the name to CISPA 
and try again  Scumbag Congress

Supposed to be the vessel for the freedom of expression Kicks congressmen Off for wearing a hoodie

Supposed to be the vessel for the freedom of expression Kicks congressmen Off for wearing a hoodie  Scumbag Congress

8% Approval Rating? lets try to kill internet privacy....AGAIN!

8% Approval Rating? lets try to kill internet privacy....AGAIN!  Scumbag Congress

So, you work and pay taxes? give more money than what you make to people that don't work or pay taxes

So, you work and pay taxes? give more money than what you make to people that don't work or pay taxes  Scumbag Congress

Americans want privacy? Better start spying on them

Americans want privacy? Better start spying on them  Scumbag Congress
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