Scumbag Christian

Castigates you for having sex before marriage Coincidentally, couldn't get laid if he tried

Castigates you for having sex before marriage Coincidentally, couldn't get laid if he tried  Scumbag Christian

Asks atheists to let thier children decide for themselves indoctrinates his children from birth

Asks atheists to let thier  children decide for themselves indoctrinates his children from birth   Scumbag Christian

Wants more rights and special treatment because of his beliefs Doesn't want others to have more rights because of his beliefs

Wants more rights and special treatment because of his beliefs Doesn't want others to have more rights because of his beliefs  Scumbag Christian

"Only god can judge me" has no problem judging everyone else

Says atheism is a religion Says American is freedom of religion, not freedom from religion

Says atheism is a religion  Says American is freedom of religion, not freedom from religion  Scumbag Christian

Doesn't let children watch violent movies Ignores god commanding the slaughter of women and children in Ezekiel 9:5-6

Doesn't let children watch violent movies Ignores god commanding the slaughter of women and children in Ezekiel 9:5-6  Scumbag Christian

You have Free Will! And as long as you do everything I say I won't torture you forever.

You have Free Will! And as long as you do everything I say I won't torture you forever.  Scumbag Christian

Give to the needy, don't waste money on worldly things Has an iPad just for the bible app

Give to the needy, don't waste money on worldly things Has an iPad just for the bible app  Scumbag Christian

Claims to have evidence of god's existence Quotes the Bible

Claims to have evidence of god's existence Quotes the Bible  Scumbag Christian

Believes he has the omnipotent creator of the Universe on his side Strokes his own ego by humiliating political opponents

Believes he has the omnipotent creator of the Universe on his side Strokes his own ego by humiliating political opponents  Scumbag Christian
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