Scumbag Christian

Loves Jesus Hates Hippies

Loves Jesus Hates Hippies  Scumbag Christian

Says God loves you Says you're going to hell

Says God loves you Says you're going to hell  Scumbag Christian

Complains about being persecuted by athiests Makes bullying legal for theists

Complains about being persecuted by athiests Makes bullying legal for theists  Scumbag Christian

Don't support hate, violence or discrimination Devote its life supporting a book that does

Don't support hate, violence or discrimination Devote its life supporting a book that does  Scumbag Christian

"Don't wear condoms, wasting your seed is a sin!" Masterbates furiously.

Oh you didn't get what you were praying for? You didn't have enought fatih. But the bible says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed.. DOESN'T MATTER. YOU DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH FAITH.

Oh you didn't get what you were praying for? 
You didn't have enought fatih. But the bible says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed..


God is love *Terms and conditions may apply

God is love *Terms and conditions may apply  Scumbag Christian

Church attendance goes down blames atheists for boring religion

Church attendance goes down blames atheists for boring religion  Scumbag Christian

says secular ethics just invent things to rationalize an arbitrary moral code doesn't realize he already does the same thing

says secular ethics just invent things to rationalize an arbitrary moral code doesn't realize he already does the same thing  Scumbag Christian

"Homosexuality is a sin!" Has premarital sex

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