Scumbag Christian

thinks having an abortion is murder committed genocide by masturbating

thinks having an abortion is murder committed genocide by masturbating  Scumbag Christian

Thou shalt not judge? "You're gonna go to hell if you don't believe like me"

Thou shalt not judge?

Thinks Marilyn Manson and South Park are ruining Christianity Judges everyone

Thinks Marilyn Manson and South Park are ruining Christianity Judges everyone  Scumbag Christian

"There will never be world peace until God's house and God's people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world. How can there be peace when drunkards, drug dealers, communists, atheists, New Age worshipers of Satan, secular huma

Tell him you don't believe in god because it's unlogical What?! God doesn't need to be logical

Tell him you don't believe in god because it's unlogical What?! God doesn't need to be logical  Scumbag Christian

" it is easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" drives a $60,000 luxury car lives in a $400,000 house

Makes a terrible book series into a worse movie series

Makes a terrible book series into a worse movie series
  Scumbag Christian

Complains he won in meme combacks paco comments were still better

Complains he won in meme combacks paco comments were still better  Scumbag Christian

Gets destroyed by meme from friend Spends next 4 hours trying to one up him

Gets destroyed by meme from friend Spends next 4 hours trying to one up him  Scumbag Christian

Says liberals are trying to indoctrinate our kids Demands prayer in school

Says liberals are trying to indoctrinate our kids Demands prayer in school   Scumbag Christian
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