Scumbag Christian

runs waitress ragged tips with tracts

runs waitress ragged tips with tracts  Scumbag Christian

Thinks the Universe is less than 4 Thousand Years Old Can't account for stars millions of light years away

Thinks the Universe is less than 4 Thousand Years Old Can't account for stars millions of light years away  Scumbag Christian

Tells you everything possible about Christianity Immediately cuts you off when you attempt to talk about other religions

Tells you everything possible about Christianity Immediately cuts you off when you attempt to talk about other religions  Scumbag Christian

doesn't use wikipedia because he doesn't support wiccans

doesn't use wikipedia because he doesn't support wiccans  Scumbag Christian

doesn't believe in evolution Can't explain why he has nipples or fingernails.

doesn't believe in evolution Can't explain why he has nipples or fingernails.  Scumbag Christian

Believes homosexuality is an abomination Eats shellfish

Believes homosexuality is an abomination Eats shellfish  Scumbag Christian

how do i know my god is real and all the others are fake? because it says so in the book written about him, what other gods have those credentials?

how do i know my god is real and all the others are fake? because it says so in the book written about him, what other gods have those credentials?  Scumbag Christian

Don`t get a tattoo because that`s body modification wife has earings

Don`t get a tattoo because that`s body modification wife has earings  Scumbag Christian

taxes are evil Freely belongs to a religion that wants 10% off the gross

taxes are evil  Freely belongs to a religion that wants 10% off the gross  Scumbag Christian

invites you to event with friends finds out you're not christian, ignores you

invites you to event with friends finds out you're not christian, ignores you  Scumbag Christian
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