Scumbag Christian

"You've formed opinions about god because you've read stuff on the internet?" "Those aren't your thoughts."

Anyone who converts to Catholicism will be worshiping Satan! Voted Gingrich in the primaries

Anyone who converts to Catholicism will be worshiping Satan! Voted Gingrich in the primaries  Scumbag Christian

I wouldn't want a Catholic as President Voted Santorum in the primaries

I wouldn't want a Catholic as President Voted Santorum in the primaries  Scumbag Christian

Finds out someone is a Democrat Assumes they reject God

Finds out someone is a Democrat Assumes they reject God  Scumbag Christian

Reminds everyone to "Keep Holy the Sabbath" Demands Tim Tebow get a starting job in the NFL every Sunday

Reminds everyone to

looks down on people for not worshiping god contracted herpes and enjoys cocaine and unprotected sex with strangers

looks down on people for not worshiping god  contracted herpes and enjoys cocaine and unprotected sex with strangers   Scumbag Christian

Harry Potter is a sin but jesus used transfiguration to turn water into wine

Harry Potter is a sin but jesus used transfiguration to turn water into wine  Scumbag Christian

doesn't accept biological evolution uses a banana to disprove it

doesn't accept biological evolution uses a banana to disprove it
  Scumbag Christian

"Christmas needs to be more about God and family than about money" Gets latest Apple product every year

Vote Republican! They're Christians who follow the word of God! Except when it has to do with charity, loving your enemies, being non-judgemental, and staying out of politics.

Vote Republican! They're Christians who follow the word of God! Except when it has to do with charity, loving your enemies, being non-judgemental, and staying out of politics.  Scumbag Christian
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