Scumbag Christian

His religion impeded scientific discovery for centuries "science can't explain it, therefore god"

His religion impeded scientific discovery for centuries

Breaks on of his coveted ten commander "The devil made me do it"

Breaks on of his coveted ten commander

Kicks out CPR class for church service "This proves church is better than education"

Kicks out CPR class for church service

Wants kids to stay true to themselves Was the cooler than Zack Morris then found God.

Wants kids to stay true to themselves Was the cooler than Zack Morris then found God.  Scumbag Christian

If we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? If you came from your parents, why are they still here?

If we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? If you came from your parents, why are they still here?  Scumbag Christian

Hates science Yells at son for failing biology

Hates science Yells at son for failing biology  Scumbag Christian

If you want to be truly free you have to depend 100% on God in everything you do

If you want to be truly free you have to depend 100% on God in everything you do  Scumbag Christian

"In god we trust" Owns a Gun

Starts by calling for a celebration of life turns into 2 hour recruitment attempt

Starts by calling for a  celebration of life turns into 2 hour recruitment attempt  Scumbag Christian

'You shall have no other gods before Me.' Worships Billy Graham Caption 3 goes here

'You shall have no other gods before Me.' Worships Billy Graham Caption 3 goes here  Scumbag Christian
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