Scumbag Christian

creates Scumbag r/atheism meme punchlines aren't funny and mostly untruthful

creates Scumbag r/atheism meme punchlines aren't funny and mostly untruthful    Scumbag Christian

don't let the car fool you, my treasure is in heaven drives lexus

don't let the car fool you, my treasure is in heaven drives lexus  Scumbag Christian

Atheism is such an ignorant belief! Epicrus? Socrates? Who are they?

Atheism is such an ignorant belief! Epicrus? Socrates? Who are they?  Scumbag Christian

Doesn't like when Christians tells you their beliefs, try to shove the fact they don't believe in Christians's throats

Doesn't like when Christians tells you their beliefs, try to shove the fact they don't believe in Christians's throats  Scumbag Christian

complains about lack of debate on coffee house responds to every post with ad hominem vitriol

complains about lack of debate on coffee house responds to every post with ad hominem vitriol  Scumbag Christian

Says thou shalt not lie with a man So only fucks little boys

Says thou shalt not lie with a man So only fucks little boys  Scumbag Christian

doesn't celebrate halloween because its a pagan ritual puts up Christmas tree

doesn't celebrate halloween because its a pagan ritual puts up Christmas tree  Scumbag Christian

believes the bible is irrefutable word of god and contains the most valuable knowledge on earth waits for pastor to make tl;dr every Sunday

believes the bible is irrefutable word of god and contains the most valuable knowledge on earth waits for pastor to make tl;dr every Sunday  Scumbag Christian

is a christian

is a christian  Scumbag Christian

Against abortion Let's bomb the hell out of iran!

Against abortion Let's bomb the hell out of iran!  Scumbag Christian
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