Scumbag Christian

is 100% abstinent anal doesn't count, right?

is 100% abstinent anal doesn't count, right?  Scumbag Christian

"YOLO" Believes in afterlife

"God's in control of the election" doesn't vote

full of god's love is certain you are going to hell for voting for obama

full of god's love is certain you are going to hell for voting for obama  Scumbag Christian

Claims God, valuing faith, would never provide proof of his existence Claims proof of God in philosophy and/or "creation science"

Claims God, valuing faith, would never provide proof of his existence Claims proof of God in philosophy and/or

Doesn't beleive in the big bang theory Thinks god made the entire universe in 7 days

Doesn't beleive in the big bang theory Thinks god made the entire universe in 7 days  Scumbag Christian

evolution is just a "theory"

evolution is just a

Claims to win debate Censors opponents responses

Claims to win debate Censors opponents responses  Scumbag Christian

Sees Hitchen's death as affirmation of his faith Doesn't care that thousands die of cancer each day

Sees Hitchen's death as affirmation of his faith Doesn't care that thousands die of cancer each day  Scumbag Christian


 REPUBLICAN  Scumbag Christian
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