Scumbag Christian

Doesn't like atheists forcing their beliefs Creates scumbag atheist meme

Doesn't like atheists forcing their beliefs Creates scumbag atheist meme  Scumbag Christian

doesn't think the crusades count as a criticism for being so long ago thinks a 1st century carpenter's teachings are the pinnacle of morality

doesn't think the crusades count as a criticism for being so long ago thinks a 1st century carpenter's teachings are the pinnacle of morality   Scumbag Christian

Finds 'fact' that supports belief Must be true

Finds 'fact' that supports belief Must be true   Scumbag Christian

earth has a perfect environment for the development of humans checkmate atheists

earth has a perfect environment for the development of humans checkmate atheists  Scumbag Christian

"the world would be so much better if everyone had faith" -proponent of a homogenous society

Says Iran can't be allowed to obtain a nuke because muslims are taught not to fear death Believes in heaven

Says Iran can't be allowed to obtain a nuke because muslims are taught not to fear death Believes in heaven  Scumbag Christian

God designed everyone equal Atheism is a sinful form of communism

God designed everyone equal Atheism is a sinful form of communism  Scumbag Christian

peace on earth, good will toward men war

peace on earth, good will toward men war  Scumbag Christian

Jesus preached a life of poverty wears a diamond gold cross necklace

Jesus preached a life of poverty wears a diamond gold cross necklace  Scumbag Christian

Thinks he'ds still discrimnated against Because he doesn't get his way

Thinks he'ds still discrimnated against Because he doesn't get his way  Scumbag Christian
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