Scumbag Brain

this is made with 100% bubblegum

this is made  with 100% bubblegum  Scumbag Brain

Dream about going to work Wake up and go to work

Dream about going to work  Wake up and go to work  Scumbag Brain

tired during the day can't sleep at night

 tired during the day can't sleep at night  Scumbag Brain

Colleague says: "Hey, I need you to really pay attention to this next part." gets awesome idea for unrelated project

Colleague says:

Barely Gets by with B's and C's on Calc 3 Exams Completely Understands EVERYTHING for the Final

Barely Gets by with B's and C's on Calc 3 Exams Completely Understands EVERYTHING for the Final   Scumbag Brain

Scumbag Writer's Brain Have you checked Reddit or your e-mail lately? Oh man I just realized that you have a logical inconsistency and have to start the novel over. That's cool, I have a much better idea in a different genre anyway.

Scumbag Writer's Brain Have you checked Reddit or your e-mail lately? Oh man I just realized that you have a logical inconsistency and have to start the novel over. That's cool, I have a much better idea in a different genre anyway.  Scumbag Brain

Knows christmas is tomorrow Keeps you wide awake all night

Knows christmas is tomorrow Keeps you wide awake all night  Scumbag Brain



starts thinking about 9/11 midflight

starts thinking about 9/11 midflight  Scumbag Brain

Could dream about absolutely anything! dream that i'm at work

Could dream about absolutely anything! dream that i'm at work  Scumbag Brain
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