Scumbag Brain

Knows you're full... waits twenty minutes to tell you

Knows you're full... waits twenty minutes to tell you  Scumbag Brain

Finally finds safe home and loving friends, after years of abuse. Develops anxiety, because brain is used to trauma.

Finally finds safe home and loving friends, after years of abuse. Develops anxiety, because brain is used to trauma.  Scumbag Brain

Remember that time you walked in on your parents having sex? Let's hold that visual throughout your big date tonight.

Remember that time you walked in on your parents having sex? Let's hold that visual throughout your big date tonight.   Scumbag Brain

Demands you sleep in the form of a nap rewards you with grogginess and a migraine

Demands you sleep in the form of a nap rewards you with grogginess and a migraine  Scumbag Brain

Oh, you have three exams tomorrow? Let's stay up all night and contemplate the meaning of life.

Oh, you have three exams tomorrow? Let's stay up all night and contemplate the meaning of life.  Scumbag Brain

Oh, you're going to bed now? The last time you had food was 7 hours ago. Aren't you hungry?

Oh, you're going to bed now? The last time you had food was 7 hours ago. Aren't you hungry?  Scumbag Brain

Makes you tired all day Yet keeps you wide awake for 45 minutes trying to fall asleep

Makes you tired all day Yet keeps you wide awake for 45 minutes trying to fall asleep  Scumbag Brain

Oh you're still not over your ex? Let's dream about her wanting you back and dating again

Oh you're still not over your ex? Let's dream about her wanting you back and dating again  Scumbag Brain

Wakes up from bad dream of getting on the wrong train Falls back asleep and has bad dream about financial aid being denied

Wakes up from bad dream of getting on the wrong train Falls back asleep and has bad dream about financial aid being denied  Scumbag Brain

Pinpointed exact situation with ex-girlfriend that exzemplified how she wasn't into me anymore 3 months after break up

Pinpointed exact situation with ex-girlfriend that exzemplified how she wasn't into me anymore 3 months after break up  Scumbag Brain
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