Scumbag Brain

Sends your boyfriend horny text messages at 3pm Zero interest in sex when you get home at 6pm

Sends your boyfriend horny text messages at 3pm Zero interest in sex when you get home at 6pm   Scumbag Brain

Oh good, you finally broke up with that emotionally abusive girlfriend? Let's just think about her every two seconds.

Oh good, you finally broke up with that emotionally abusive girlfriend? Let's just think about her every two seconds.   Scumbag Brain

Oh so you were exhausted all day long and now it's bed time Fuck that. now you're the most awake you've ever been

Oh so you were exhausted all day long and now it's bed time Fuck that.  now you're the most awake you've ever been  Scumbag Brain

Oh you just took a shower? Time to shit

Oh you just took a shower? Time to shit  Scumbag Brain

So you met a nice girl and really hit it off? Ok, time to wake up.

So you met a nice girl and really hit it off? Ok, time to wake up.  Scumbag Brain

Looks for reasons to hate yourself. Is sad because you hate yourself.

Looks for reasons to hate yourself. Is sad because you hate yourself.  Scumbag Brain

Your phone is vibrating in your pocket Nah, just kidding bro

Your phone is vibrating in your pocket Nah, just kidding bro  Scumbag Brain

Wakes up in middle of night to use the bathroom Finally falls back asleep 5 minutes before alarm.

Wakes up in middle of night to use the bathroom Finally falls back asleep 5 minutes before alarm.  Scumbag Brain

See that cute girl with an obvious common interest? Yeah, I can't think of anything to say either.

See that cute girl with an obvious common interest? Yeah, I can't think of anything to say either.   Scumbag Brain

Have to study? Lets Get High

Have to study? Lets Get High  Scumbag Brain
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