Scumbag Brain

Best dream ever Forgets it

Best dream ever Forgets it  Scumbag Brain

Hey, you know your boyfriend that doesn't text you and refuses to show PDA with you? Let's get our hopes up about a ton of shit that will never happen with him, K?

Hey, you know your boyfriend that doesn't text you and refuses to show PDA with you?  Let's get our hopes up about a ton of shit that will never happen with him, K?  Scumbag Brain

Sees picture of Tarantula "Bet one of those things is hiding under your computer desk right now, bro."

Sees picture of Tarantula

Can't concentrate studying when you're hungry Too sleepy to study when you're full

Can't concentrate studying when you're hungry Too sleepy to study when you're full  Scumbag Brain

Too tired for HW Lets play video games

Too tired for HW Lets play video games   Scumbag Brain

trying to go to sleep hey man lets think about every mistake you ever made

trying to go to sleep hey man lets think about every mistake you ever made    Scumbag Brain

Hey, you love your girlfriend right? Thought so. Lets Dream about her dying and all the trauma that you go through.

Hey, you love your girlfriend right? Thought so.  Lets Dream about her dying and all the trauma that you go through.  Scumbag Brain

study all night for a test forgot everything befor test

study all night for a test forgot everything befor test  Scumbag Brain

Makes you dream about getting ready for school Doesn't tell you its a dream until you're late

Makes you dream about getting ready for school Doesn't tell you its a dream until you're late   Scumbag Brain

Quickly forget a wonderful dream Vividly remember a horrifying nightmare for the rest of the day and following night

Quickly forget a wonderful dream Vividly remember a horrifying nightmare for the rest of the day and following night  Scumbag Brain
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