Scumbag Brain

tells you to do something makes you forget all the good reasons you had to do it

tells you to do something makes you forget all the good reasons you had to do it  Scumbag Brain

Haven't heard song in years Stays all day

Haven't heard song in years Stays all day  Scumbag Brain

Uses itself To make degrading memes of itself

Uses itself To make degrading memes of itself  Scumbag Brain

Use toilet before you leave the house...only #1 Ten minutes into road trip...poopy time

Use toilet before you leave the house...only #1 Ten minutes into road trip...poopy time  Scumbag Brain

Tired late at night while annotation book for school wide awake when browsing reddit

Tired late at night while annotation book for school wide awake when browsing reddit  Scumbag Brain

Makes you hate a song never lets you forget it

Makes you hate a song never lets you forget it  Scumbag Brain

Has really good idea Whoops! There it went

Has really good idea Whoops! There it went  Scumbag Brain

Tells you you should be writing your thesis Makes you go make a scumbag brain meme

Tells you you should be writing your thesis Makes you go make a scumbag brain meme  Scumbag Brain

Remember all that stuff you studied for? Yeah, neither do I...

Remember all that stuff you studied for? Yeah, neither do I...  Scumbag Brain

need to wake up early start new tv series at 2am

need to wake up early start new tv series at 2am  Scumbag Brain
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