Scumbag Brain

Knows the Facebook page-visit tracker does not exist freaks out for days after stalking anyways

Knows the Facebook page-visit tracker does not exist freaks out for days after stalking anyways  Scumbag Brain

You have to leave in an hour, Reddit time. 3 hours later, "Bro you gotta go"

You have to leave in an hour, Reddit time. 3 hours later,

hey, remember that girl in line who was snippy with you? Let's think of awesome comebacks for the whole day...

hey, remember that girl in line who was snippy with you? Let's think of awesome comebacks for the whole day...  Scumbag Brain

knows you are trying to fall asleep Better check Facebook every 2 minutes

knows you are trying to fall asleep  Better check Facebook every 2 minutes  Scumbag Brain

Spends 4 hours trying to write personal statement and comes up with nothing. Writes the most beautiful personal statement in 20 minutes.

Spends 4 hours trying to write personal statement and comes up with nothing. Writes the most beautiful personal statement in 20 minutes.  Scumbag Brain

Gets motivated to start Essay 11pm

Gets motivated to start Essay 11pm  Scumbag Brain

Saw a cute maternity shirt at my place of employment "You should get pregnant so you can wear it"

Saw a cute maternity shirt at my place of employment

I see you just stood up to do something So here's what being blind feels like

I see you just stood up to do something So here's what being blind feels like  Scumbag Brain

I know what game we should play minesweeper

I know what game we should play minesweeper  Scumbag Brain

Had a sex dream Woke up because my penis was too big

Had a sex dream Woke up because my penis was too big  Scumbag Brain
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