Scumbag Brain

Knows this thing will hurt you Still tests it out

Knows this thing will hurt you Still tests it out  Scumbag Brain

Just starting to get over your ex? Here's a super realistic and emothional dream about them

Just starting to get over your ex? Here's a super realistic and emothional dream about them
  Scumbag Brain

Heres a great meme idea makes you forget it 10 seconds later

Heres a great meme idea makes you forget it 10 seconds later  Scumbag Brain

Has a music library filled with every song you know Only plays you the songs that you find most annoying

Has a music library filled with every song you know Only plays you the songs that you find most annoying  Scumbag Brain

Walking home in the dark hey.... you remember that slendermen guy

Walking home in the dark hey.... you remember that slendermen guy  Scumbag Brain

Comes up with a seemingly perfect title for reddit post notices errors immediately after it goes live and not before

Comes up with a seemingly perfect title for reddit post notices errors immediately after it goes live and not before  Scumbag Brain

will suck a dirty dick That's your brain on drugs

will suck a dirty dick That's your brain on drugs  Scumbag Brain

Oh you have an important job interview tomorrow? Let's have a dream where you wake up late and miss it

Oh you have an important job interview tomorrow? Let's have a dream where you wake up late and miss it   Scumbag Brain

Looks at word several times to ensure correct spelling Misspells word

Looks at word several times to ensure correct spelling Misspells word   Scumbag Brain

Makes you attractive in front of unattractive girls MAKES YOU UNATTRACTIVE IN FRONT OF ATTRACTIVE GIRLS

Makes you attractive in front of unattractive girls MAKES YOU UNATTRACTIVE IN FRONT OF ATTRACTIVE GIRLS   Scumbag Brain
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