Scumbag Brain

Knows you're dreaming Still makes you feel pain

Knows you're dreaming Still makes you feel pain   Scumbag Brain

Too smart to take crappy job seriously Not smart enough to acquire decent job

Too smart to take crappy job seriously Not smart enough to acquire decent job   Scumbag Brain

Wake up, you need to pee BONER

Wake up, you need to pee BONER   Scumbag Brain

Knows you have a lot of homework due tomorrow "Yo a Lord of the Rings marathon would be fun"

Knows you have a lot of homework due tomorrow

Hey man, know what you haven't thought about lately? Okay, let's get some rest Demons

Hey man, know what you haven't thought about lately? Okay, let's get some rest Demons  Scumbag Brain

You're really struggling with this test Background music will help

You're really struggling with this test Background music will help   Scumbag Brain

Next up, a restful and pleasant journey into dreamland. But first, here's a thirty minute slide show of every embarrassing moment you've had since kindergarten.

Next up, a restful and pleasant journey into dreamland. But first, here's a thirty minute slide show of every embarrassing moment you've had since kindergarten.  Scumbag Brain

Thinks you hear two black guys behind you speaking in heavy ebonics actually two white men speaking french

Thinks you hear two black guys behind you speaking in heavy ebonics actually two white men speaking french  Scumbag Brain

alone with girl in her house imposes image of banshee on her face when you're about to kiss her

alone with girl in her house imposes image of banshee on her face when you're about to kiss her  Scumbag Brain

Awesome pictures saved up for ages Pics the most horrific of all

Awesome pictures saved up for ages Pics the most horrific of all   Scumbag Brain
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