Scumbag Brain

Never stole anything in your life still freak out when walking through anti theft sensors

Never stole anything in your life still freak out when walking through anti theft sensors  Scumbag Brain

Hey dude, remember that extremely embarrassing and idiotic thing you did 9 years ago? I do

Hey dude, remember that extremely embarrassing and idiotic thing you did 9 years ago? I do  Scumbag Brain

Walks away from phone for two minutes "DUDE I BET THAT CUTE GIRL TEXTED YOU. SHE TOTALLY DID, I KNOW IT!"

Walks away from phone for two minutes

have an awesome dream forgets most of it 5 minutes later

have an awesome dream forgets most of it 5 minutes later  Scumbag Brain

Alright, let's just take a quick piss in the urinal Haha just kidding here's a massive shit for you

Alright, let's just take a quick piss in the urinal Haha just kidding here's a massive shit for you  Scumbag Brain

Oh, you're chewing gum Have some cheek with that

Oh, you're chewing gum Have some cheek with that  Scumbag Brain

Finally getting over EX Here's a dream about them

Finally getting over EX Here's a dream about them  Scumbag Brain

Stay wide awake in panic fall asleep during test

Stay wide awake in panic fall asleep during test  Scumbag Brain

Sees hot curling iron slipping off of the counter Quick! Grab it!

Sees hot curling iron slipping off of the counter Quick! Grab it!   Scumbag Brain

Oh, you just moved into Uni! Heres a list of things you left at home!

Oh, you just moved into Uni! Heres a list of things you left at home!   Scumbag Brain
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