Scumbag Batman

24 hours until nuke goes off covers bridge in gasoline to make Bat symbol

24 hours until nuke goes off covers bridge in gasoline to make Bat symbol  Scumbag Batman

Is a superhero, a billionaire, and lives in a mansion Always complains about dead parents

Is a superhero, a billionaire, and lives in a mansion Always complains about dead parents  Scumbag Batman

Never kills main enemy kills their bodyguards that are just doing their job

Never kills main enemy  kills their bodyguards that are just doing their job  Scumbag Batman

Sees people getting murdered doesn't do anything

Sees people getting murdered doesn't do anything  Scumbag Batman

Refuses to use guns throws exploding batarangs without hesitation

Refuses to use guns throws exploding batarangs without hesitation  Scumbag Batman

Alot of people die in colorado all he cares is about gotham

Alot of people die in colorado all he cares is about gotham  Scumbag Batman

doesn't kill people blows up ra's al ghul's crew

doesn't kill people blows up ra's al ghul's crew  Scumbag Batman

Hey I just banged you, and this is crazy, But I shot your driver, and killed you baby.

Hey I just banged you, and this is crazy, But I shot your driver, and killed you baby.  Scumbag Batman

Billionaire with access to cutting edge science and technology Uses raspy tone to disguise voice

Billionaire with access to cutting edge science and technology  Uses raspy tone to disguise voice  Scumbag Batman

Threatens to hurt you unless you talk severely hurts you anyways

Threatens to hurt you unless you talk severely hurts you anyways  Scumbag Batman
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