Scumbag Atheist

Googles for websites defaming atheists Complains that people are googling bad things about atheists

Googles for websites defaming atheists Complains that people are googling bad things about atheists  Scumbag Atheist

Supports Equal Rights Spends Time on Reddit bashing Christians

Supports Equal Rights Spends Time on Reddit bashing Christians  Scumbag Atheist

tells christians to get over 9/11 constantly uses past events in arguments

tells christians to get over 9/11 constantly uses past events in arguments  Scumbag Atheist

someone said God Tell. Everyone.

someone said God Tell. Everyone.  Scumbag Atheist

Talks about how Christians are so intolerant Thinks they're all retarded

Talks about how Christians are so intolerant Thinks they're all retarded  Scumbag Atheist

doesn't believe in an anti-christ thinks the pope is the anti-christ

doesn't believe in an anti-christ thinks the pope is the anti-christ  Scumbag Atheist

Says he's a good person without god... Karma whores every time he donates to charity.

Says he's a good person without god... Karma whores every time he donates to charity.  Scumbag Atheist

"understands Christianity" uses old testament laws as main points in debate

Wants to be taken seriously Tells people to kill themselves

Wants to be taken seriously Tells people to kill themselves  Scumbag Atheist

"seek and ye shall find" Never seeks. Draws conclusion that there must be no God.

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