Scumbag Atheist

did you know there's one verse in the bible about killing children? i think i've proved my point here. no. god.

did you know there's one verse in the bible about killing children? i think i've proved my point here. no. god.  Scumbag Atheist

Uses "God Damn" and "Oh My god" all the time Does not believe in god.


My pet peeve is: Religion

My pet peeve is: Religion  Scumbag Atheist

Hey, did you hear that Hitler was a Christian? Guess there's no god!!

Hey, did you hear that Hitler was a Christian? Guess there's no god!!  Scumbag Atheist

Has a "Uniersal acceptance of other's beliefs" Calls everyone who has them silly and ignorant

Has a

Believes in an impersonal universe Says humans have moral obligations

Believes in an impersonal universe Says humans have moral obligations  Scumbag Atheist

Christian dressed as athiest Still looks retarded

Christian dressed as athiest Still looks retarded  Scumbag Atheist

Atheist "I'm Going to hell for laughing"


Makes fun of Christians for speaking their beliefs Won't stop talking about his lack of belief

Makes fun of Christians for speaking their beliefs Won't stop talking about his lack of belief  Scumbag Atheist

Denounces Evangelical Christians Preaches Atheism to Everyone He Meets

Denounces Evangelical Christians Preaches Atheism to Everyone He Meets  Scumbag Atheist
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