Scumbag Advice God

Tells people to not test their faith Tests their faith

Tells people to not test their faith Tests their faith  Scumbag Advice God

Gives depression and anxiety via gene mutation I'm also gonna make the prescription for the meds $90 a month

Gives depression and anxiety via gene mutation I'm also gonna make the prescription for the meds $90 a month  Scumbag Advice God

I give that bitch tits I love tits

I give that bitch tits I love tits  Scumbag Advice God

Creates mandatory university courses fucks shit up with a windstorm two days before class

Creates mandatory university courses fucks shit up with a windstorm two days before class  Scumbag Advice God

Kills job's family and livestock; Riddles him with diseases, and destoroys everything he has ever owned. Just to prove a point.

Kills job's family and livestock; Riddles him with diseases, and destoroys everything he has ever owned. Just to prove a point.  Scumbag Advice God

Why protect the sanctity of life when HE can kill his own son?

Why protect the sanctity of life when HE can kill his own son?  Scumbag Advice God

tells us to be humble is conceited

tells us to be humble is conceited  Scumbag Advice God

Made woman out of rib made it a sin to eat ribs

Made woman out of rib made it a sin to eat ribs  Scumbag Advice God

Scrambles spoken language His words are now misinterpreted

Scrambles spoken language His words are now misinterpreted   Scumbag Advice God

Makes everyone horny Creates std's

Makes everyone horny Creates std's  Scumbag Advice God
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