Scumbag Advice God

We are born sinners all babies get a free pass to heaven!

We are born sinners all babies get a free pass to heaven!  Scumbag Advice God

Asks Noah to build an ark and collect all the animals in the world by two Screw the rest of the people

Asks Noah to build an ark and collect all the animals in the world by two Screw the rest of the people  Scumbag Advice God

Knows Jesus wasn't all that special Has a book written about him anyways

Knows Jesus wasn't all that special Has a book written about him anyways  Scumbag Advice God

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination - Leviticus 18:22 two bitches is cool though

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination - Leviticus 18:22 two bitches is cool though  Scumbag Advice God

Homosexuality is a sin Puts g spot in ass

Homosexuality is a sin Puts g spot in ass  Scumbag Advice God

Thou shalt not kill. Kills everyone but a guy on a boat.

Thou shalt not kill. Kills everyone but a guy on a boat.  Scumbag Advice God

Gangsta god disobeyed by 2 people blames everyone who will ever exist

Gangsta god
disobeyed by 2 people blames everyone who will ever exist  Scumbag Advice God

Doesn't want humans to masturbate Puts genitals within arm's reach

Doesn't want humans to masturbate  Puts genitals within arm's reach  Scumbag Advice God

forbid the eating of pork make pork delicious

forbid the eating of pork make pork delicious  Scumbag Advice God

Creates humans creates sinuses

Creates humans creates sinuses  Scumbag Advice God
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