Scumbag Advice God

CREATE Beautiful Sun Look at it too long, go blind

CREATE Beautiful Sun Look at it too long, go blind  Scumbag Advice God


I love you HAVE SOME CRIPPLING NERVES  Scumbag Advice God

I promise I'll never destroy the world again By flood

I promise I'll never destroy the world again By flood  Scumbag Advice God

Gets invented Never goes away

Gets invented  Never goes away  Scumbag Advice God

bad things happen to good people

bad things happen to good people  Scumbag Advice God

Wants you to be born again Surprised when you act like a child

Wants you to be born again Surprised when you act like a child  Scumbag Advice God

Evolution? "It's much more logical that everything appeared out of nowhere."


too busy to cure your Dad's cancer has plenty of time to help spoiled actresses win stupid little statues

too busy to cure your Dad's cancer has plenty of time to help spoiled actresses win stupid little statues  Scumbag Advice God

Promises eternal joy in heaven makes you go up his butt to get there

Promises eternal joy in heaven makes you go up his butt to get there  Scumbag Advice God

comes down from heaven only once knocks up some chick

comes down from heaven only once knocks up some chick  Scumbag Advice God
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