Scumbag Advice God

I'll make his butthole a lot smaller than what comes out of it

I'll make his butthole a lot smaller than what comes out of it  Scumbag Advice God

Oh you moved to the beach? HERE, HAVE SOME FUCKING CLOUDS!!!

Oh you moved to the beach? HERE, HAVE SOME FUCKING CLOUDS!!!  Scumbag Advice God

sacrifices son for the sins of humanity keeps punishing humanity for sins

sacrifices son for the sins of humanity keeps punishing humanity for sins  Scumbag Advice God

Creates humans in his image makes them apologize every sunday for being a human

Creates humans in his image makes them apologize every sunday for being a human  Scumbag Advice God

Genocides the entire human population. Praised daily by billions Hitler genocides a million Jews, most hated man ever.

Genocides the entire human population. Praised daily by billions Hitler genocides a million Jews, most hated man ever.  Scumbag Advice God

CreateD Logic Defies it

CreateD Logic Defies it  Scumbag Advice God

Allows the creation Bacon Bible says we can't eat bacon.

Allows the creation Bacon Bible says we can't eat bacon.  Scumbag Advice God

in the bible, Satan killed 10 people. i killed over 2 million. what up now bitches?

in the bible, Satan killed 10 people. i killed over 2 million. what up now bitches?  Scumbag Advice God

creates man and woman to perfectly compliment each other and live in happy harmony makes them reach their sexual peak 20+ years apart

creates man and woman to perfectly compliment each other and live in happy harmony makes them reach their sexual peak 20+ years apart  Scumbag Advice God

Is all powerful sends you to hell for not worshipping him

Is all powerful sends you to hell for not worshipping him  Scumbag Advice God
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