Scumbag Advice God

Kills steve jobs tells westboro baptist church he created iphone

Kills steve jobs tells westboro baptist church he created iphone  Scumbag Advice God

I know the future, including all my own actions, unto eternity Therefore I am powerless

I know the future, including all my own actions, unto eternity Therefore I am powerless
  Scumbag Advice God

gives you useless organs that can burst and kill you

gives you useless organs that can burst and kill you  Scumbag Advice God

Calls the prophet Samuel three different times to bestow him with a special message Message is that he's going to kill Samuel's teacher and curse his family for all of eternity.

Calls the prophet Samuel three different times to bestow him with a special message Message is that he's going to kill Samuel's teacher and curse his family for all of eternity.   Scumbag Advice God

Creates Ridiculously sexy girl. shoots a portal gun from the dockyard to her vag.

Creates Ridiculously sexy girl. shoots a portal gun from the dockyard to her vag.   Scumbag Advice God

an adolescent with social anxiety? Ill put some red bumps all over their face so they feel better

an adolescent with social anxiety? Ill put some red bumps all over their face so they feel better  Scumbag Advice God

Mary? a Virgin? HA!

Mary? a Virgin? HA!  Scumbag Advice God

you must devote your life to me to prove that you are a true follower offended when asked to prove his existence

you must devote your life to me to prove that you are a true follower  offended when asked to prove his existence   Scumbag Advice God

loves us except for that one time there was that flood

loves us except for that one time there was that flood  Scumbag Advice God

Ends the world Four days before his son's birthday.

Ends the world Four days before his son's birthday.   Scumbag Advice God
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