Scumbag Advice God

theme song of the ritz on thursday Welcome to the jungle

theme song of the ritz on thursday Welcome to the jungle  Scumbag Advice God

gives men agriculture turns bitches into salt

gives men
agriculture turns bitches
into salt  Scumbag Advice God

if i'm a god in bed then why does she still think she's a virgin?

if i'm a god in bed then why does she still think she's a virgin?  Scumbag Advice God

writes an excessively long book no plot

writes an excessively long book no plot  Scumbag Advice God

intelligently designs the body to attack itself

intelligently designs the body to attack itself  Scumbag Advice God

creates people in his image most people are douchebags

creates people in his image most people are douchebags   Scumbag Advice God

Thinks you and your friends are being dicks sends bears

Thinks you and your friends are being dicks sends bears  Scumbag Advice God

Just had a really tough final exam? Here's some rain to add to the mood, bitch.

Just had a really tough final exam? Here's some rain to add to the mood, bitch.  Scumbag Advice God

Creates the universe just wanted to make cake

Creates the universe just wanted to make cake  Scumbag Advice God

Someone ate fruit from your favorite tree? Kill them and all their children

Someone ate fruit from your favorite tree? Kill them and all their children  Scumbag Advice God
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