Science Major Mouse

Electrolytes in a sports drink? fancy name for salt

Electrolytes in a sports drink? fancy name for salt  Science Major Mouse

microbio exam next week? live in cornell basement

microbio exam next week? live in cornell basement  Science Major Mouse

get advanced technical degree after years of rigorous coursework still worry machine can pick up your brainwaves

get advanced technical degree after years of rigorous coursework still worry machine can pick up your brainwaves  Science Major Mouse

GF questions my science i love being single

GF questions my science i love being single  Science Major Mouse

jealous of scumbag steve apathy would be nice

jealous of scumbag steve apathy would be nice  Science Major Mouse

Fifteen page lab report, no problem two page english paper, help!

Fifteen page lab report, no problem  two page english paper, help!  Science Major Mouse

Hear boy complaining about not getting enough sleep Explain circadian rhythm.

Hear boy complaining about not getting enough sleep Explain circadian rhythm.   Science Major Mouse

friend cooks eggs for breakfast explains to friend how proteins denature to form a solid

friend cooks eggs for breakfast explains to friend how proteins denature to form a solid  Science Major Mouse

lab yields no results totally normal

lab yields no results totally normal  Science Major Mouse

switch to business major GPA doubles

switch to business major GPA doubles  Science Major Mouse
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