Science Major Mouse

Spend hours on experiment, finally weigh results in test tube. Discover single water-droplet in test tube. Discard everything. Repeat experiment.

Spend hours on experiment, finally weigh results in test tube. Discover single water-droplet in test tube. Discard everything. Repeat experiment.  Science Major Mouse

Filter copper ii Sulphate several times, ends up blue everytime Lab proff finally tells you to clean out the erlenmyer flask with HCl...because the last student didn't, seriously consider dropping lab

Filter copper ii Sulphate several times, ends up blue everytime Lab proff finally tells you to clean out the erlenmyer flask with HCl...because the last student didn't, seriously consider dropping lab  Science Major Mouse

Go for a run Think of all the glycolytic intermediates in your body

Go for a run Think of all the glycolytic intermediates in your body  Science Major Mouse

goes to party can't help but explain why alcohol causes dehydration

goes to party can't help but explain why alcohol causes dehydration  Science Major Mouse

sterilize work surface three times

sterilize work surface three times  Science Major Mouse

Humanities friend begins explaining how evolution is just a theory and that creationism is just as viable a scientific explanation of biodiviersity on... Find new friend.

Humanities friend begins explaining how evolution is just a theory and that creationism is just as viable a scientific explanation of biodiviersity on... Find new friend.  Science Major Mouse

Black or white? definitely white

Black or white? definitely white  Science Major Mouse

Mathematica Press shift+enter instead of enter when on internet

Mathematica Press shift+enter instead of enter when on internet  Science Major Mouse

Drain Pasta for Dinner, Wonder if you should save the filtrate for tests.

Drain Pasta for Dinner, Wonder if you should save the filtrate for tests.  Science Major Mouse

Take art elective Are the only one wearing clean pants

Take art elective Are the only one wearing clean pants  Science Major Mouse
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