Science Major Mouse

Read an intense fanfiction Call it very exothermic in comments

Read an intense fanfiction Call it very exothermic in comments  Science Major Mouse

   Science Major Mouse

Learn the difference between hypothesis and theory. Dies each time a friend says "I have a theory about this."

Learn the difference between hypothesis and theory. Dies each time a friend says

Sees Internet Meme Explains to everyone in room what a meme is

Sees Internet Meme Explains to everyone in room what a meme is  Science Major Mouse

spill vial of product in ochem lab after 4 hours of making it but before performing spectroscopy might as well have not come to lab

spill vial of product in ochem lab after 4 hours of making it but before performing spectroscopy might as well have not come to lab  Science Major Mouse

assigned 30-page journal article 10 pages of citations

assigned 30-page journal article 10 pages of citations  Science Major Mouse

dissecting dead squid, think to self yummay calamari

dissecting dead squid, think to self yummay calamari  Science Major Mouse

Watches action film "That is not physically possible."

Watches action film

Vegan starts explaining how you're killing unborn chickens when eating eggs Not sure if trolling or just stupid.

Vegan starts explaining how you're killing unborn chickens when eating eggs Not sure if trolling 
or just stupid.  Science Major Mouse

wear gloves forget to take them off when handling hot glasswear

wear gloves forget to take them off when handling hot glasswear  Science Major Mouse
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