Science Major Mouse

watch classmates struggle with new biology term thank parents you've known it since childhood

watch classmates struggle with new biology term thank parents you've known it since childhood  Science Major Mouse

always lick mystery rock

always lick mystery rock  Science Major Mouse

Happy Valentine’s Day. I bought you this bouquet of reproductive organs.

Happy Valentine’s Day. I bought you this bouquet of reproductive organs.  Science Major Mouse

Go to library to work on history paper end up doing Fourier analyses

Go to library to work on history paper end up doing Fourier analyses  Science Major Mouse

learn that getting past escape velocity takes you past infinity can't tell if troll physics or not

learn that getting past escape velocity takes you past infinity can't tell if troll physics or not  Science Major Mouse

Choose the path of least resistance. Work at McDonalds.

Choose the path of least resistance. Work at McDonalds.  Science Major Mouse

45 on chemistry test woohoo I beat THE AVERAGE!

45 on chemistry test woohoo I beat THE AVERAGE!  Science Major Mouse

tell someone you're taking statistics Get offended when they assume you're a psych major

tell someone you're taking statistics Get offended when they assume you're a psych major  Science Major Mouse

Tell others you're a Physics Major Shit just got real

Tell others you're a Physics Major Shit just got real  Science Major Mouse

cooking dinner wear goggles

cooking dinner wear goggles  Science Major Mouse
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