Science Major Mouse

Fuck Gravity Have sex in space

Fuck Gravity Have sex in space  Science Major Mouse

arts friend grossed out by menstruation still eats hard boiled eggs

arts friend grossed out by menstruation still eats hard boiled eggs  Science Major Mouse

You say gambling is luck I say it is a simple string of minor probability calculations applied to a nonsensical set of games for sums of cash

You say gambling is luck I say it is a simple  string of minor probability calculations applied to a nonsensical set of games for sums of cash  Science Major Mouse

Take Chemistry Classes Start seeing Chemical formulas in license plates

Take Chemistry Classes Start seeing Chemical formulas in license plates  Science Major Mouse

Think you lost an electron Are you positive?

Think you lost an electron Are you positive?  Science Major Mouse

Go with friends to get tattoos Get the structural formula of caffiene

Go with friends to get tattoos Get the structural formula of caffiene  Science Major Mouse

hand in nmr lab report realize you analyzed the chemical shits

hand in nmr lab report realize you analyzed the chemical shits  Science Major Mouse

Hee I feel the cheesemance

Hee I feel the cheesemance  Science Major Mouse

Student:"Is fire alive?" Proff:"Well no but I can see why you would ask that" Really because I can't


Forget about bacteria in incubator death by stench

Forget about bacteria in incubator  death by stench  Science Major Mouse
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