Science Major Mouse

"Did you know, water spins as it goes down a drain because of the coriolis force?" Yeah, if the drain is the size of the Atlantic ocean.

Get A+ check assignment for making errors in disbelief

Get A+ check assignment for making errors in disbelief  Science Major Mouse

a neutron walks into a bar and asks "how much for a drink?" the bartender replies: "for you, no charge"

a neutron walks into a bar and asks

Brag about how hard your classes are to non-science majors fail

Brag about how hard your classes are to non-science majors fail  Science Major Mouse

I found immortality in HeLA cells and jellyfish

I found immortality in HeLA cells and jellyfish  Science Major Mouse

"I'm better than you at math" Yea, well pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis.

Top caption Bottom caption

Top caption Bottom caption  Science Major Mouse

groundbreaking results human error renders them invalid

groundbreaking results human error renders them invalid  Science Major Mouse

Can name every bone in the human body Can't draw anatomically correct to save your life

Can name every bone in the human body Can't draw anatomically correct to save your life  Science Major Mouse

Has an actual formidable amount of schoolwork too busy to make memes

Has an actual formidable amount of schoolwork too busy to make memes  Science Major Mouse
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