Science Major Mouse

Go on date with fellow science major have contest to see who can draw all 20 amino acid structures

Go on date with fellow science major have contest to see who can draw all 20 amino acid structures  Science Major Mouse

drosophila melanogaster never. again.

drosophila melanogaster never. again.  Science Major Mouse

you got tags hangin out the back of yo ass

you got tags hangin out the back of yo ass  Science Major Mouse

Friend makes casual unfounded claim Call friend out for bad science, lecture about biased samples

Friend makes casual unfounded claim Call friend out for bad science, lecture about biased samples  Science Major Mouse

Live and die by Schoediner's equation.

Live and die by Schoediner's equation.  Science Major Mouse

Show up to Lab hungover Only one in the group that knows what to do

Show up to Lab hungover Only one in the group that knows what to do  Science Major Mouse

G.P.A.? If I had wanted a better one I would've been an English major

G.P.A.? If I had wanted a better one I would've been an English major  Science Major Mouse

Schroedinger's Mouse A mouse trap isn't going to cut it

Schroedinger's Mouse A mouse trap isn't going to cut it  Science Major Mouse


Micropipette PRETEND I AM CURING CANCER  Science Major Mouse

beers with friends Explain Methionine biosynthesis pathway in S. cerevisiae yeast

beers with friends Explain Methionine biosynthesis pathway in S. cerevisiae yeast  Science Major Mouse
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