Science Major Mouse

Weigh self in bathroom Try to tare scale Every time.

Weigh self in bathroom Try to tare scale Every time.  Science Major Mouse

flirt with opposite sex what a nice orbicularis oris you have

flirt with opposite sex what a nice orbicularis oris you have  Science Major Mouse

graduated with biology degree; now qualified for all sorts of jobs all of which involve the phrase, "You want fries with that?"

graduated with biology degree; now qualified for all sorts of jobs all of which involve the phrase,

"Humans only use 10 Percent of their brains" Then you shouldn't mind this transorbital lobotomy

makes joke about quantum mechanics only 6 other student at the college get it

makes joke about quantum mechanics only 6 other student at the college get it  Science Major Mouse

Carbo-loaded. No, not exercising. I have a final tomorrow and will be pulling all-nighter.

Carbo-loaded. No, not exercising.
I have a final tomorrow
and will be pulling all-nighter.  Science Major Mouse

the correct response to every question in anatomy: "brachial plexus"

the correct response to every question in anatomy:

It's Fucking Friday I'd better be (Mg,Fe)7 Si8 O22 (OH)2

It's Fucking Friday I'd better be 
(Mg,Fe)7 Si8 O22 (OH)2  Science Major Mouse

"We we we so excited!" Electrons

Posts meme in computer lab Spells engineering wrong

Posts meme in computer lab Spells engineering wrong  Science Major Mouse
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