Science Major Mouse

movie shows college kids with free time What is this bullshit?

movie shows college kids with free time What is this bullshit?  Science Major Mouse

Take organic chemistry class Dream of mechanisms

Take organic chemistry class Dream of mechanisms  Science Major Mouse

Do chemistry lab experiment doesn't work, make up results

Do chemistry lab experiment doesn't work, make up results  Science Major Mouse

Watch crime drama where some lab techie uses a micropipette you're doing it wrong!!!!

Watch crime drama where some lab techie uses a micropipette you're doing it wrong!!!!   Science Major Mouse

Write 10 page evolution paper in 2 hours 2 page English paper takes all weekend

Write 10 page evolution paper in 2 hours 2 page English paper takes all weekend  Science Major Mouse

You see your friends playing outside too bad youre in lab

You see your friends playing outside too bad youre in lab  Science Major Mouse

Quote douglas adams instant respect

Quote douglas adams instant respect  Science Major Mouse

approach ramp on freeway thinking of free body diagrams, summation of forces, moment of inertia, centripetal acceleration, on car, on body and - damn. Off the ramp already.

approach ramp on freeway thinking of free body diagrams, summation of forces, moment of inertia, centripetal acceleration, on car, on body and - damn.  Off the ramp already.  Science Major Mouse

"political science is a real science too!" LOL

Gets drunk with friends explains effect of alcohol on the cerebellum

Gets drunk with friends explains effect of alcohol on the cerebellum  Science Major Mouse
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