Samuel L Jackson

wheres my motherfuking KFC?

wheres my motherfuking KFC?   Samuel L Jackson

Now kiss motherfucking assholes i order you, i double order you motherfucker!

Now kiss motherfucking assholes i order you, i double order you motherfucker!  Samuel L Jackson

Ask Me ASL Again i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!

Ask Me ASL Again i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!  Samuel L Jackson

Say avicii is amazing again i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!

Say avicii is amazing again i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!  Samuel L Jackson

PLAY LEVELS AGAIN i'm serious, play it again. i like that tune.

PLAY LEVELS AGAIN i'm serious, play it again. i like that tune.  Samuel L Jackson

say SO BRAVE again i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!

say SO BRAVE again i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!  Samuel L Jackson

weed Motherfucker! Do you smoke it?

weed Motherfucker! Do you smoke it?  Samuel L Jackson

Call it "pokey-mon" again. i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!

Call it

EVERYTIME I log onto Facebook: I dare you to invite me to another event motherfucker!

EVERYTIME I log onto Facebook: I dare you to invite me to another event motherfucker!  Samuel L Jackson

Pokemon Black & White Version 2 comes out in almost 2 weeks where the fuck is my preorder bonus?

Pokemon Black & White Version 2
comes out in almost 2 weeks where the fuck is my preorder bonus?  Samuel L Jackson
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