Sad Keanu

Are those... sesame seeds...

Are those... sesame seeds...  Sad Keanu

The cable modem is down and I don't know how to fix it. But....I don't really care.

The cable modem is down and I don't know how to fix it. But....I don't really care.  Sad Keanu

QEpe?!?!?! ... un i thashe mish patate salc kosi

QEpe?!?!?! ... un i thashe mish patate salc kosi  Sad Keanu

there's an accent in Muhammad that you omit szp

there's an accent in Muhammad that you omit szp  Sad Keanu

i told them i had a gift card nobody came

i told them i had a gift card nobody came  Sad Keanu

I was a good Neo... but Will Smith would have been better

I was a good Neo... but Will Smith would have been better  Sad Keanu

I know Kung-Fu No..No I don't

I know Kung-Fu No..No I don't  Sad Keanu

I want to play starcraft with my friend... :(

I want to play starcraft with my friend... :(  Sad Keanu

Pushed button Received hot air

Pushed button Received hot air  Sad Keanu

Nih tim koar2 mulu di Spectre.. keknya tim kuat nih.. Coba Gua Cek, udah punya Badge Of Honour belum yah.... Bangke!!! Ternyata cuma 3 UCL nya..

Nih tim koar2 mulu di Spectre..
keknya tim kuat nih..
Coba Gua Cek, udah punya Badge Of Honour belum yah.... Bangke!!! Ternyata cuma 3 UCL nya..

   Sad Keanu
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