Sad Keanu

I told her to make me a sandwich Now I'm sleeping on this park bench

I told her to make me a sandwich Now I'm sleeping on this park bench  Sad Keanu

Shit I'm pregnant

Shit I'm pregnant  Sad Keanu

Hm, half of a Taco. You know what I say to that bird... Challenge Accepted!

Hm, half of a Taco. You know what I say to that bird...
Challenge Accepted!  Sad Keanu

i want a friend i can be your friend

i want a friend i can be your friend  Sad Keanu

APO recruitment is over? I guess I'll have to wait till next semester

APO recruitment is over? I guess I'll have to wait till next semester  Sad Keanu

Chiefwarlord just kicked me for having a lost E-Score I knew I shouldn't have made all those hideouts

Chiefwarlord just kicked me for having a lost E-Score I knew I shouldn't have made all those hideouts  Sad Keanu

I paid a lot of money for this sandwich now If only i could pay someone to raise my k.d. in Arena

I paid a lot of money for this sandwich now If only i could pay someone to raise my k.d. in Arena  Sad Keanu

Point Break part 2 ???? Speed 3??? Whoa... I'm Screwed

Point Break part 2 ???? Speed 3???
 Whoa... I'm Screwed  Sad Keanu

I don't remember putting May... ...Fucking bird.

I don't remember putting May... ...Fucking bird.  Sad Keanu

I used to be the one <--now he is

I used to be the one <--now he is  Sad Keanu
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